The decision on a four pitch travellers site near Boddam has been deferred after councillors felt they needed more information.
Members of the Buchan Area Committee were asked to consider the application for the site at Springhill Cottages.
The retrospective plans were lodged after temporary permission ceased for the site in January.
Currently the site operates as applied for – with four caravan stances, a toilet block and parking, surrounded by a wooden fence.
But there have been objections to the plans including loss of amenity, drainage, bin storage, water supply, landscaping and questioning why a site would be allowed when a house would not be permitted.
Ryan Urquhart, from Baxter Design Company, spoke as the agent for a Mr and Mrs Hay who live alongside the site and object to it.
He told about the fence which was “erected and stained orange” so should not comply with planning regulations.
“Architects for most houses have conditions attached for most fencing to be hedges or to sit with the natural surrounding for a boundary so we don’t see why this could be acceptable here.
“We also have photos of the site that show they have more than four on site at some times.”
Planners said that often more could be on site appropriately but councillors decided they wanted to see evidence.
In addition, several councillors pointed out accuracy problems within the report on the application and asked for the information to be re-collated so deferred making a decision.