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Aberdeen University reveals city centre building to close

It has been determined that Marischal College East "is not suitable for modern teaching" and "is now no longer required".

The move will take place over the next 18 months. Image: Kenny Elrick/DC Thomson.
The move will take place over the next 18 months. Image: Kenny Elrick/DC Thomson.

Aberdeen University has announced that a city centre building is to close within the next 18 months.

Marischal College East will be closed and the University’s collections there will be moved to the King’s College Campus.

The move is part of a project to reimagine UoA’s campuses.

Measures are being put in place to create more inviting places for students and staff.

Other occupants of the building have been informed including All In Ideas and Citymoves Dance Agency.

All In Ideas confirmed they will continue to operate from the building until their lease ends in late September 2025.

Citymoves will continue to operate out of the Anatomy Rooms until March 2026.

The University’s collections at Marichal College East will be moved to King’s College. Image: Kenny Elrick/DC Thomson

Aberdeen University confirms building closure

The University has revealed how the move fits in line with its future strategy.

A University of Aberdeen spokesperson said: “A Reimagining our Campuses project board has been looking at how our Aberdeen campuses could more efficiently, effectively and sustainably evolve over the coming years in line with our Aberdeen 2040 strategy.

“A host of measures are proposed including developing more inviting places for students, staff and our external communities, creating labs aligned to our research priorities, developing a hub to build even stronger links with industry and progressing with a single site for our Business School.

“Our use of space is also a key focus together with the properties we no longer need and we have decided that Marischal East – at the rear of Marischal College – is not suitable for modern teaching and research and is now no longer required.

Marischal College East will be closed by Aberdeen University. Image: Kenny Elrick/DC Thomson

“We are in contact with Aberdeen City Council and other occupants of the building to ensure they are aware of our plans.

“We wish to ensure that our historic collections are made more accessible for teaching, research and public engagement and that the collections are housed in a suitable environment.

“As a result, we have decided to relocate those parts of the University’s collections held in Marischal East to more suitable accommodation, including on the King’s College Campus, and anticipate that this will take place over the next 12 to 18 months.

“Marischal College and its spectacular frontage were transformed under the stewardship of Aberdeen City Council.

“We will be seeking an appropriate occupier on a long-leasehold basis to secure the long-term viability of Marischal East and its role in the city of Aberdeen.”
