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Seeking a new home in the sun: Aberdeen FC supporters club the Tenerife Dons leaving their beloved Zizzi’s Bar

The club's members hope to secure a new venue to keep up to date with all the match action.

The Tenerife Dons set up shop at Legends in Los Cristianos. Image: Tenerife Dons.
The Tenerife Dons set up shop at Legends in Los Cristianos. Image: Tenerife Dons.

The devoted members of overseas Aberdeen FC supporters club the Tenerife Dons are seeking a new home in the sun.

The group have been tuning in for matches at Zizzi’s Bar, located in Los Cristianos, for years.

But with the bar up for sale, and after a failed bid by the supporters club to buy it and run it themselves, they are on the lookout for a new football pub.

While the club is in the process of securing a new venue, they have a temporary home in a local pool and snooker bar, Legends.

The club set up at the bar, located not far from Zizzi’s, to watch Saturday’s 2-0 defeat to Hibs.

Fully equipped with big TVs showing the Dandies action, Legends even had half-time pies on offer.

The Tenerife Dons would gather at Zizzi’s on matchdays. Image: Martyn Mackie.

The club will also carry on its fundraising for the Aberdeen FC Community Trust at its temporary home.

Tenerife Dons in search for new home

When Zizzis owner Willie Bruce put the bar up for sale, the Tenerife Dons attempted to purchase it as a consortium.

They have longstanding links with the venue and have been joined there by Dons stars in the past.

But while they say Mr Bruce and his wife were happy with the offer, they claim a long-serving member of staff put a halt to the move.

The supporters group updated fans on their social media.

A statement reads: “Unfortunately after continuous and ongoing problems in Zizzis and the fact it is now up for sale, we are regrettably currently homeless.

“As soon as we have a new location or the bar has new owners we’ll let you know.

“When we became aware the bar was up for sale we as a consortium attempted to buy it from Willie.

Shay Logan is just one of the former players to show up at Zizzi’s. Image: Tenerife Dons.

“Despite it reporting losses and football days being the only big earners we believed we could turn it around.

“Negotiations were going well for over two weeks and yesterday we were almost at the stage where we could sign a contract.

“I was told by Willie that he’d discussed it with Christine (his wife) and a staff member.

“He and Christine were happy with the offer however, at the last minute, our offer was rejected due to this member of staff being unhappy.”

The supporters club, who celebrated Christmas at Zizzis in style last year, say the decision made it clear they needed to find a new home.
