Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire Police trace missing north-east teen By July 10 2016, 10:55 am July 10 2016, 10:55 am Share Police trace missing north-east teen Share via Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Messenger Linkedin Email Post link https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/news/aberdeen-aberdeenshire/970522/police-issue-appeal-help-trace-missing-north-east-teen/ Copy Link Cameron Howey Police have traced an Aberdeenshire teen reported missing from his hometown. Cameron Howey, from Stonehaven, left the town on Thursday, July 7 on the 10.10am train to Glasgow and was last spotted at Dundee Railway Station. A spokeswoman for the force said: “Cameron Howey, aged 15 – reported missing from Stonehaven, has been found safe and well. “Police Scotland would like to thanks the public for their assistance.”