Breakfast is often considered the most important meal of the day.
But now a team of researchers at Aberdeen University are looking to put the theory to the test, by assessing the impact eating food in the morning has on the brain.
The research team at the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health is now looking for volunteers – particularly those aged between 65 and 75 – to take part in a study which will examine the difference in brain activity when breakfast is skipped and when a high protein drink is consumed.
Daniel Crabtree, who is leading the study with William Buosi, said: “It is known that missing breakfast can influence food choices throughout the day and that is why it is often said to be the most important meal of the day.
“We might presume that eating a filling breakfast would make us less likely to choose unhealthy foods later in the day, but we want to see what is actually happening inside our brains in the areas associated with pleasure and reward. To do that we need volunteers.”
Volunteers will take part in two sessions at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary where they will be shown images of foods both high and low in fat while researchers measure their brains response using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
On one visit they will not have eaten first thing in the morning and on the other they will be given a high protein drink for breakfast.
The study is part of the EU-funded Full4Health project.
Researchers in Aberdeen will collaborate with colleagues in Utrecht and Athens conducting similar studies.
To take part, call 01224 438691 or by e-mail