Highlands & Islands Mountain rescue and helicopter crew called to rescue injured Sutherland climber By James Wyllie September 4 2020, 8:51 pm September 4 2020, 8:51 pm Share Mountain rescue and helicopter crew called to rescue injured Sutherland climber Share via Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Messenger Linkedin Email Post link https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/news/highlands-islands/2465263/mountain-rescue-and-helicopter-crew-called-to-rescue-injured-sutherland-climber/ Copy Link Assynt Mountain Rescue Team. Image; Supplied. Mountain rescue teams and a Coastguard helicopter were required to rescue an injured walker in the Highlands today. The emergency services were alerted after the man suffered a lower leg injury on Suilven. A chopper was able to land near the summit and take him to safety, while other crews assisted his wife, who he had been walking with. A spokesman said: “Today we were called out to assist a fallen walker on Suilven with a lower leg injury. “We were assisted by Stornoway Coastguard helicopter who managed to extract him from near the summit during a break in the clouds. “Team members went in to meet the casualty’s wife and accompany her back to the car park. “Thanks to Assynt Foundation and the crew of Rescue 948 for their help.” Mountaineer Sir Chris Bonnington had also been walking in the area at the time, and spoke to crews after the rescue operation. The spokesman added: “Special thanks to another visitor who happened to be walking in one of his favourite areas and stopped to speak to team members. “We wish the casualty a speedy recovery and Sir Chris an enjoyable stay.” Today we were called out to assist a fallen walker on suilven with a lower leg injury. We were assisted by Stornoway… Posted by Assynt Mountain Rescue Team on Friday, 4 September 2020