Independent Aberdeen cinema Belmont Filmhouse has announced its plans to expand its popular online programme of screenings for over 60s.
Back in February, the Belmont Street cinema began a pilot programme called Senior Selections at Home, where people were invited to get together on Zoom to discuss a film they had all watched on BBC iPlayer.
Since then, Belmont Filmhouse has developed its very own online movie platform, called Filmhouse at Home. And now, the cinema’s team of senior volunteers handpick the films to show for future Senior Selections at Home events.
‘Really proud’ to launch Senior Selections at Home
Yvonne Gordon, head of community engagement and learning at Edinburgh Filmhouse and Belmont Filmhouse, said: “I am really proud to launch Senior Selections at Home on Filmhouse at Home.
“We have all missed welcoming our older audience members to the cinema and were delighted to see so many of them engage with us when we trialled online events earlier in the year.
“We also attracted newcomers, who hadn’t been to any of our cinema-based sessions. I am very keen to continue to offer a service to this online community and recognise that not everyone is able to come to us – so we can come to them.”
Watch and discuss Minari, Breathless, The Rider and more
The first season includes Minari (August 10), Breathless (September 14), Bait (October 12) and starts with a screening of The Rider, by Oscar-winning director Chloe Zhao, on Tuesday July 13. The online events will take place on the second Tuesday of every month.
All films chosen for Senior Selections at Home will have captions available and attendees will receive a discount code to access the film, making the whole event free to access.
Yvonne added: “Now we’ve all got used to Zoom, break out rooms, chat boxes and watching films from home, we hope to continue to build our online audience for Senior Selections at Home.
“I am confident that using Filmhouse at Home will let us share films that are full of surprise and delight – and give us plenty to talk about after the movie, over our favourite beverage.
Free monthly Zoom event
“I am grateful to our supporters and funders who allow us to offer this programme for free. Access is at the heart of all we do and Senior Selections is an excellent example of this.”
The cinema team will also be offering some simple digital training in how to participate in Senior Selections at Home so that everyone who wants to join can have a chance to do so.
While this is a free event, places are limited so booking is essential. Sign up links will be released monthly here.
Film-lovers can already sign up to watch and discuss The Rider on July 13 here.