The Silver City Surfers are trialling a special Saturday class to teach the older generation how to get to grips with new technology.
The charity aims to help older people with modern technology, thereby reducing loneliness and isolation for those aged over 55 within Aberdeen and the north east of Scotland.
It provides free tutoring and support on all forms of modern technology, such as laptops, iPads and digital cameras, through mentoring and one-to-one support sessions provided by experienced volunteers.
In response to the charity’s previous success, a new Saturday class will be held from 10-11.30am at the Aberdeen City Library for the next three months, on a trial basis.
Celia Tremain, a trustee of the charity, said: “We thought there might be a few people, maybe who have not retired yet, who fancy learning more about using the web but can’t make our weekly classes – so we decided to create Saturday classes.
“We hope that people will learn new skills through the classes, find it easier to keep in touch with younger relatives easily, or take advantage of technology given for Christmas.”
The Saturday Silver City Surfer classes are free to attend, and anyone over the age of 55 is welcome to take part.
Teas and coffees will be provided.
For more information, call Ms Tremain on 07799 3713 29 or visit