Parking permits are increasing in price by 10% across Aberdeen – with some residents facing a £220 bill for the year.
Changes to the permit charges were included in Aberdeen City Council’s budget in efforts to fill a £25 million black hole.
The permit price hike could add more than £235,000 to the pot, according to officials.
Notices have appeared on a number of city streets this week confirming that the new fees will come into effect from April 29.
Prices will increase in each of the different city zones for three-month, six-month and 12-month resident exemption permits.
A year ago, the cost for some areas in the Granite City went from £60 all the way up to £200.
The decision was made in efforts to cut down on the number of vehicles in the city centre and to “move away” from it being a through-route.
The Press and Journal readers described the £140 jump as “disgusting”, “greedy” and “absolute daylight robbery”, at the time.
New prices for parking permits in Aberdeen
This £200 fee was expected to go up by 5% each of the subsequent years for four years.
However, just 12 months later, residents have been informed their permit prices have risen by a further 10% for 2024.
In zones A through to G, which include George Street, Crown Street and Gallowgate, a 12-month permit will soon cost £220.
The three-month and six-month options are also increasing by 10% to £66 and £121.
Residents in zones H, J, K, L, M, N, P, T, V, W and X, which include the Rosemount and Berryden areas, can purchase up to two parking permits.
The first can be used on any vehicle linked to the property, including visitors, while the second must be associated with a specific vehicle registration linked to the property.
Charges for first and second permits will both be increasing, with the 12-month options jumping to £165 and £220.
Uncertainty over Garthdee parking
Year-long permits in zones RR and Z are expected to rise from £100 to £110 for the first, and from £150 to £165 for the second.
Businesses and contractors are not exempt from the price hikes either, with permits for a year jumping to £641 and £702.
All shorter-term permit options have also increased by 10%.
Parking permits for zones Y and YY have been covered by Robert Gordon University for more than 20 years.
However, university bosses have recently announced they can no longer afford to keep the deal going.
A spokesman said more than £300,000 has been spent over the past decade “to reduce the impact of traffic associated with our university community”.
Local councillors have met with RGU to discuss the proposed changes and further discussions will take place with the community council in coming months.
The Aberdeen City Council website currently states zone Y and YY permits will remain free of charge until November 30, 2025.
Price jump for on-street and off-street parking
The price hikes also apply to short-stay parking tickets in and around the city centre.
‘Pay and Display’ tickets for on-street and off-street parking will all cost more from April 29.
The notice shared by the local authority lays out the changes for inner central, outer central and peripheral areas.
A one-hour stay in the city centre will now gone above £4 – from £3.85 to £4.20
Meanwhile, a two-hour ticket, which is only available between 6pm and 8pm from Monday to Saturday, has increased by 50p to £5.50.