Motorists face two weeks of roadworks on the A9 for resurfacing repairs south of Slochd.
Bear Scotland will carry out the £230,000 improvements from Monday, August 24.
The resurfacing is expected to take 10 working days, with no works planned for the weekend.
The work will see a 742yard section of the Inverness to Perth road improved south of the Slochd Summit.
The works will be carried out between 7am to 7pm each day and will see temporary traffic lights and a 10mph convoy system in place.
Eddie Ross, Bear Scotland’s north west unit representative said it was important that the work was completed because of the often severe winter weather at the high section of the road.
He said: “These essential resurfacing works are required to improve the condition of this key strategic route prior to winter when the road is subject to harsh weather conditions.
“The works will help to improve the structural integrity of the carriageway, prolonging the life of this section of the A9 and improving the ride quality for motorists.”
Traffic management will be removed out with working hours to keep disruption to a minimum, although a speed restriction of 30mph will remain in place as traffic will be running on a temporary surface.