Thousands of people turned out to watch as Aberdeen was transformed into a colourful Christmas wonderland.
About 15,000 people lined Union Street, wrapped up against the bitter cold, and cheered as the overhead lights were turned on for the first time.
The festive bulbs, which stretch to a combined distance of more than a mile, left the street dripping in colour with the lights glittering against the night sky.
Their attention was then turned to the procession which made its way from Albyn Place, along the Granite Mile, before finishing up under the shadow of the 35ft Christmas tree on the Castlegate.
The city of Aberdeen Christmas Parade and switching on of the lights down Union Street.<br />Pictures by Kami Thomson
The city of Aberdeen Christmas Parade and switching on of the lights down Union Street.
The city of Aberdeen Christmas Parade and switching on of the lights down Union Street.
The city of Aberdeen Christmas Parade and switching on of the lights down Union Street.
What a pheasant chap
Looking good this year
Just lovely
St Nick takes his usual traffic space
The city of Aberdeen Christmas Parade and switching on of the lights down Union Street.<br />Picture by Kami Thomson 29-11-15
Revellers turned out in thousands to see the switch on
Driver Mike Flaherty with representatives from the Instant Neighbour Trust Linda Lee with Brandon Noble (left) and Ryan Noble.
Stonehaven christmas tree and lights in the town square.<br />Picture by Kami Thomson 29-11-15
PICTURES & VIDEO: Thousands line Union Street in freezing weather to enjoy Christmas lights