Forgetting the Future are an indie rock band hailing from Thurso.
They released their debut album in 2020, have worked with the likes of Edwyn Collins from coveted Glasgow outfit Orange Juice and have since gone on to play various live shows across the UK.
The band are Jamie Mackay (guitar), Max Paul (bass), Connor Wilson (drums) and Robbie McNicol (guitar/vocals).
We played a show in Edinburgh to 500 people in the Liquid Rooms recently – it was great fun.
Playing on stage for a gig we did in Aberdeen on Friday night!
Recording some of our new upcoming EP with producer Ken Allardyce.
Our local town Thurso, where Robbie often likes to surf (which is what he gets up to when we’re not on tour).
Our band member Max in front of Newcastle University where we did our first English gig!
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My Week in 5 Pictures: Thurso rockers Forgetting the Future share their life on the road