Considering the recent unrest in cities across England and Northern Ireland, fostering a culture of respect has become more crucial than ever.
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The theme will be the focus of the second cHeRries Business Breakfast being held in Aberdeen next month.
People and culture consultancy Lang & Co is the headline sponsor of the event and its managing director, Louise Lang will host and facilitate the session.
Respectful culture ‘crucial’
Louise points out: “We’re observing workforces that are increasingly diverse.
“If you look at the current news, there are growing concerns about individuals being targeted in society. This is particularly true for minority groups, certain nationalities, and races, who may be increasingly worried about their safety.
“Creating a respectful culture means everyone feels heard and safe to express themselves openly and honestly.
“It’s about being your authentic self, knowing that judgment has no place in the workplace. You don’t have to agree with everyone’s life choices—whether it’s about gender, sexuality, religion, or marriage—but respecting those choices is essential.
“In our workshops, we more often than not discover that we share more common ground than differences.
“A respectful culture is crucial for educating, including and ensuring the safety of one another.”
‘Valuable insights’
Louise believes that attending the cHeRries event next month will provide HR professionals and leaders with valuable insights to drive their organisations towards a more inclusive future.
She explains: “Delegates will experience a real-life case study, showcasing how one organization has successfully implemented these practices. They will also gain insights from Blackadders on the legal perspective and from Electra Learning on the viewpoint of a learning organisation.
“I believe the event will be thought provoking. If delegates and their organisations are not practicing these inclusive and respectful principles now, I hope they leave thinking, ‘maybe we need to move in this direction’.
“It’s about inspiring a different mindset, asking questions that are not typically asked already and prompting thought leadership.
“They’ll go away with something new, whether that’s one new piece of information, a learning or a new contact from the networking opportunities, which will be greater during this breakfast.
“I also hope it’s going to be fun.”
cHeRries will hold its second Business Breakfast on Wednesday October 2 2024 from 8.15am to 11.30am at the Marcliffe Hotel and Spa in Aberdeen.
Tickets are £25 or a table of 10 for £225 (all plus VAT) and includes breakfast rolls and refreshments.
Visit cHeRries Business Breakfast website to secure your place today.
Read more: First cHeRries Business Breakfast leaves everyone wanting more