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Aberdeen quayside to be transformed into market with 60 stalls for Tall Ships

Here's how your business or charity can get involved in the world-class event.

Tall Ships sail
Local businesses and charities are being invited to get involved in the upcoming Tall Ships event in Aberdeen. Image: Darrell Benns/DC Thomson.

The quayside at Port of Aberdeen will be turned into a market with 60 stalls when the Tall Ships sail into the city this summer.

Traders and charities from the north-east are being invited to be part of the huge outdoor market, which will be at the “vibrant heart” of the maritime event.

Curated at the Quayside – inspired by the popular festive edition in the Marischal College quad – will run from Saturday July 19 to Tuesday July 22.

More than 400,000 visitors are expected to visit the Tall Ships in the Granite City.

And that creates an exciting opportunity for local businesses and charities – and the many shoppers who will visit them.

Tall Ships berthing map
Map showing the berthing areas in Aberdeen for the Tall Ships 2025. Image: Aberdeen City Council.

The 60 stalls will be in a “prime position” along Regent Quay, Upper Dock and Blaikie’s Quay.

Applications for Curated on the Quayside, organised by Aberdeen City Council and Aberdeen Inspired to support charity Charlie House, are now open.

Priority will be given to local businesses and groups who “reflect the Tall Ships event connection to Aberdeen’s maritime heritage”.

The successful traders will attend all four days, while charities will be allocated one day each so more good causes can take part.

This means a total of 55 traders and 17 charities will be involved.

Take part in the Tall Ships market

John Brebner, chief executive of Charlie House, said: “We’ve had the pleasure of working with many fantastic traders and charities at our various Curated markets over the years.

“We are delighted to expand on this by supporting the Tall Ships partners with the Curated on the Quayside application process.

“With applications now open, we’re excited to discover both new and familiar talent eager to join us for this vibrant four-day market as part of The Tall Ships Races.”

A large green-sailed tall ship, with Aberdeen beach in the background when the event visited in 1991.
The Tall Ships were a huge success when they came to Aberdeen in 1991. Image: AJL.

Adrian Watson, chief executive of Aberdeen Inspired, added: “Curated in the Quad helps bring the magic of Christmas to the city centre.

“I am sure Curated on the Quayside will help add even more excitement and vibrancy to the already spectacular Tall Ships celebrations.

“It’s a chance for local traders and charities to be centre stage at an event that will put Aberdeen – and them – in the international spotlight.

“It will also add to the unforgettable experience that visitors to the Tall Ships will talk about for years.”

Applications can be made via the Charlie House website until 5pm on Friday March 28.

Shortlisted applicants will be notified by email the week beginning April 21.
