Mel Edwards keeps setting himself new challenges and proving that age is just a number.
The 73-year-old Aberdonian, who has performed with distinction in athletics for Scotland, has just completed his latest charity endeavour after battling back from a cancer diagnosis a decade ago.
He raised £8,000 by running 100 x 100 metres in two locations in his home city on Friday.
The money will be used to buy specialist EyeGaze technology for Woodlands School in Aberdeen. The technology enables pupils with complex and severe additional needs to use their eyes to control an onscreen cursor – opening up a world of opportunities for pupils.
Mr Edwards set himself the task of raising a greater sum than when he accumulated £7,500 for Friends of Anchor in 2012 by doing a 70-minute run on his 70th birthday.
Understandably therefore, he was delighted at the end of a long day’s test of his stamina and commitment.
He said: “I did 40 [of the 100m runs] at Rubislaw playing fields at 4am, then another 30 in Countesswells Forest at 11am, and the final 30 back at Rubislaw at 5pm in front of supporters.
“It was a very satisfying experience. This will help to purchase life-changing equipment for the wonderful children and teachers at Woodlands School.
“It has been a privilege to be involved.
“In my life, prior to Friday, I would say I had two main challenges. The first was to make the Olympic Games marathon (I missed out by two places), and the second was not to be defeated by cancer in 2006 – and I’ve succeeded.
“Now there is a third. And that’s to ensure I do my best to provide life-changing facilities for children with severe problems.
“While I was doing the 100 x 100 metres, I was constantly aware of the difference it would make to the lives of the children and their families.”
Mr Edwards deserves a breather after his exertions. Yet he is already planning his next foray into philanthropy.
He added: “That starts on September 18 next year when I will run a mile a day for 75 days leading up to my 75th birthday.
“You have to keep busy and move on from one thing to another.”