An Elgin man has been warned he faces a lengthy jail term if he fails to stick to his bail conditions.
Aiden Stuart, 23, appeared from custody at Elgin Sheriff Court to apply for bail after admitting numerous breaches of his conditions.
Stuart had previously admitted assaulting his ex-partner in 2022 – and then contacting her several times despite a non-harassment order being put in place.
Assault on his mother
More recently, in April this year, he admitted assaulting his mother at her home in Anderson Drive, Elgin.
The charge states Stuart pushed past her, forcing his way into the house, where he then pushed and pulled her and struck her on her body with his elbow.
Stuart also stole money from his mother and contacted her despite being under bail orders not to do so.
Stuart’s defence agent Stephen Carty said his client’s recent spell on remand had turned him into a “different man”.
He added: “These four weeks have been beneficial to him. He is seeking bail to his grandmother’s address where he is welcome to go back.”
Spiralling behaviour
Mr Carty said Stuart’s behaviour had “spiralled” and the custody had “hit him hard”, but explained it meant he had been taking his medication properly which had a “dramatic effect”.
“I have never seen him present so well,” Mr Carty said. “I appreciate he has not done much to earn trust from this court.
“My request is that the court gives him a chance.”
Sheriff David Harvie referred to two failed Community Payback Orders, but agreed that Stuart “looked significantly better”.
Hefty pile of offences
Holding Stuart’s hefty pile of charge sheets, Sheriff Harvie said: “You have stacked all this up.
“If you fail to engage you will be getting a long while in custody – especially considering the incident with your mother.
“There is a faint glimmer of hope here. It is entirely up to you what you do in the next few weeks.
“If you do not engage, then all this [holding up papers] will still be waiting for you and there will be no alternative but for a lengthy period in custody.”
Stuart, bailed to Glen Moray Drive, Elgin, was ordered to appear for a review next month.