Councillors in Argyll yesterday heard that the Scottish Government funding allocation for local government could increase the council’s funding gap for 2019/20 to around £9 million.
This was the update provided to Argyll and Bute Council’s Policy and Resources Committee.
The authority is preparing a list of savings options which would see 56 full time equivalent jobs slashed next financial year.
Among the jobs which could go are 12 school crossing patrollers, five environmental wardens, 17 posts within youth and adult learning and a music instruction job.
Councillor Gary Mulvaney, Policy Lead for Strategic Finance, said: “The harsh fact is that the funding allocated to local government means another cut to the council’s core funding of around 2.5%.
“Although the Scottish Government has said it will give more money overall to councils, this increase is to fund new commitments. To be clear, funding for our core services is being cut again.
“For Argyll and Bute this increases our estimated funding gap for next year to £9 million. This would be a considerable amount at any time, but coming after years of funding cuts already, it will demand particularly difficult decisions to be made.
“We expect to have more details about how much funding Argyll and Bute will get early next week. Once we know that, and have clarity on any conditions attached to our funding allocation, we will know more definitely what we are dealing with in terms of savings we need to make next year.”