Cash to help kids learn about nature is being snatched from Moray Council as the Scottish Government scrambles to cover public sector pay.
The Nature Restoration Fund was to be used for projects to help bring back habitats and combat climate change, with a particular focus on schools.
But local authorities across Scotland will now have to hand back a total of £5 million.
For Moray Council, that figure is £122,000.
About £10,000 had been earmarked for nature improvement projects at schools.
But chief financial officer Lorraine Paisey told members at corporate committee this week the government has told them the money will be rescinded.
And the “entire funding” will be withdrawn
Green councillor for Forres, Draeyk Van Der Horn, is also the local authority’s climate change champion.
He said: “Frankly I think it’s an appalling situation to be in.
“The Scottish Government is cutting funding at a time of a nature crisis.
“I’m deeply worried this is part of a trend in not supporting something which is very popular with the general population.
“I think it’s short-sighted.”
‘I hope we don’t get a kicking’
Labour councillor for Elgin North Sandy Keith hoped there would be no repercussions for the council if it fell short with its climate change responsibilities.
He said “It is a regrettable situation, and I just hope we don’t get a kicking in the future for lack of progress in this area.
“It’s no fault of our own that the government has withdrawn the whole entire funding for that.”
Notification was also given by the government that other funding would be revoked.
This is expected to include money for flood defences and the extension of free school meals for primary pupils.
A full report on the impact of funding being withdrawn will go before councillors by the end of September.
Strike action was planned at 26 of Scotland’s 32 local authorities earlier this month after two wage offers were rejected.
The deal currently being considered would see a 3.6% increase for all grades, with a rise of £1,292 for the lowest paid.
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