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Debate: What should the St Giles Centre be used for now after shopping centre closes its doors?

The Elgin shopping centre has now been closed permanently with little indication about what its long-term future could hold.

Security guard locking gates of St Giles Centre.
The St Giles Centre closed its doors permanently this week. Image: Jason Hedges/DC Thomson

Businesses at the St Giles Centre have moved out, the doors have been locked and it is now the largest empty building in Elgin.

The mall is at the heart of the High Street and at its peak was a thriving and bustling place for  shoppers.

However, a huge £750,000 unpaid business rates bill forced owners to close after Moray Council launched legal action to chase the money.

The closure of the shopping centre, which opened in 1991, has left a gaping hole in Elgin’s High Street and made 13 businesses homeless.

It has sparked conversations about what should happen next, and what could be a viable future for the building.

What would you like to see in the St Giles Centre? Let us know in the comments section below.

Some have called for it to be reopened as a shopping centre with reduced rents in an attempt to entice more retailers.

Others have suggested specific businesses for the site including Primark and Ikea.

There have also been calls for the shopping centre to be completely revamped.

Suggestions have included a cinema, a hotel or a nightclub.

What has unified all of the suggestions is a desire for the St Giles Centre not to be left empty for years.

Do you agree with any of the suggestions? Or do you have your own idea of what should happen next to the St Giles Centre?

Have your say on the future of the St Giles Centre in the comments below
