The cost of burials in Moray is rising, with a hike in charges now meaning the region is one of the most expensive in Scotland.
Moray Council is now fourth highest charging of Scotland’s 32 local authorities for resident burials – up from 15th.
Members of the economic development and infrastructure committee voted for the change at a meeting today, with rises to come into effect in April.
The change came despite cried that some parts of the policy were “not fair”…
Moray burial fees fourth highest in Scotland
Currently the internment fee is £1,228 for Moray residents and £2,254 for those who want to be buried in the area, but don’t live there.
Interment charges will now rise to £1,272 for those in Moray.
And for non-local residents the first internment will be £2,335 then £1,272 for the second and third – the same as locals.
SNP councillor for Elgin North Jérémie Fernandes led calls to make the out of area fee the same as that for Moray residents for second and third internments.
He felt it was the best option saying it “strikes the right balance”.
‘Should we charge more for people not from here?’
However Conservative councillor for Forres Paul McBain wanted to remove the non-Moray charges altogether.
He felt the higher fee for those outside the area wanting to be laid to rest with their loved ones in Moray was “not fair”.
Mr McBain was seconded by his party colleague for Elgin South Peter Bloomfield.
However the SNP’s plan to keep the elevated charges won with seven votes to six – with one abstention.
Members also agreed a programme of maintenance that includes drainage work at Keith, Buckie New and Duffus cemeteries.