The porpoise had teeth marks on its head and suffered several broken ribs
A porpoise was left savaged on the shores of the Moray Firth following an attack by Chanonry Point’s famous bottlenose dolphins.
The three-and a-half foot long porpoise was found near the Fort George army barrack.
It had sustained several injuries, including visible teeth marks on its head and several broken ribs.
The savage attack upon the porpoise, near Chanonry Point at Fortrose, was captured on camera by amateur photographer Alister Kemp on Friday, with six to eight much larger dolphins reportedly involved.
John Hourston, a volunteer with the Blue Planet Society, has himself witnessed dolphins attack a porpoise at the same location.
He said: “It’s a big issue around the coast. The attack is the fifth to be reported this week.
“I was speaking to Charlie Phillips of the Whale and Dolphin Conservation society and he thinks the porpoises have come into the Firth chasing herring.
“We believe there are two or three large male bottlenose dolphins in the inner Firth attacking them.
“We don’t know why they are attacking them. It could be for food, out of aggression or even for fun or just because they can.”